Tuesday, June 21, 2011


   I spent April 2011 aghast to what had transpired in a relatively short amount of time.  S and I in the first four months of the year had attended a fine southern wedding on the Charleston Harbor, ate Conch on the shores of Bahamas and explored the history of General Oglethorpe in Savannah.  It was shocking how abruptly it ended and I would be lying if I said I didn't shed quite a few tears. We spent a few weeks in our apartment together in Charlotte before I left. This provided the necessary closure that I required to verify leaving was the right decision. Although my instinct would have been to stay and fight, I could tell any effort would have been futile.   I knew the moment I packed my things that life was transcending once again.

  Breaking up with S was without a doubt the catalyst for returning to Ohio. I had been flirting with the idea for the last year and I always knew it was my best prospect.  I spent years blaming location for my shortcomings.  I needed Charlotte to discover myself, gain confidence and discover that there was no person, place or thing to blame for my internal struggles.  I was the only person that ever held me back from realizing my potential.  I had many kinks I had accumulated over the years that simply needed worked out.   My growth in Charlotte was verified on the last night I spent with my friends and colleagues in Charlotte.  (Future blog)

Bells and whistles didn't go off when I returned home to Akron/Canton but the instant warm reception I received was advantageous.  The level of familiarity was comforting and the warmth I felt from being with my family once again was intoxicating.  No one cared or asked why I left Charlotte. I don't think it would have matter if I left broke and destitute with my tail between my legs.   My friends and family recognized immediately that I had matured, overcame my demons and was back home to explore my potential.   They were happy I was back and I  knew I had made the right decision.


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